L’Associació Antic Gremi de Revenedors, 1447, initially Confraria entre Tenders Revenedors de Barcelona sota de l’Advocació de Sant Miquel Arcàngel, is a non-profit entity founded in 1447 by the grace of Queen Maria of Castile in the name of her husband King Alfonso the Magnanimous. Since then, the entity has been operating continuously, looking after the welfare of our members.

The Tasks of the Association

We safeguard the heritage received from our ancestors.

We promote historical research in the city of Barcelona and provide assistance to our members in times of need, just as our ancestors did.

We award an annual scholarship of 5,000 euros with the goal of promoting research into the ancient guilds of Barcelona and our organization. The scholarship is awarded to the best unpublished project dedicated to the in-depth study of a specific period or event in the history of the Gremi de Tenders Revenedors de Barcelona between 1447 and 1850.

Our archives are digitized and open to all researchers interested in them. The conservator, Berta Blasi, is working on the conservation and preservation of our artistic and documentary collections.

We engage in historical dissemination of the city of Barcelona and the professional brotherhoods (formerly guilds) through our publishing label, Publicacions Revenedors.

We safeguard the heritage received from our ancestors. We consider this heritage as a legacy for which we are stewards and that we must pass on to future generations in better condition than we received it.

We promote historical research in the city of Barcelona and provide assistance to our members in times of need, just as our ancestors did.

We award an annual scholarship of 5,000 euros with the goal of promoting research into the ancient guilds of Barcelona and our organization.

Our archives are digitized and open to all researchers interested in them. The conservator, Berta Blasi, is working on the conservation and preservation of our artistic and documentary collections.

We engage in historical dissemination of the city of Barcelona and the professional brotherhoods (formerly guilds) through our publishing label, Publicacions Revenedors.

Highlighted Projects


If you want to keep up to date with the Association’s activity, don’t hesitate to subscribe to our newsletter!


09 May

Gala d’entrega del Premi Seqüència 2024

Gala d’entrega del Premi Seqüència, presentada per la periodista Maria Xinxó.

24 May

Darrer dia “Exposició d’art “Joaquim Renart. De Ciutat Vella a l’Eixample”


The Association on Twitter

📚 Ara mateix, a la Reial Acadèmia de Belles Arts de Sant Jordi, la presentació del nou llibre de la col·lecció Calaix "Entrem al taller".

💬 Presenta @xcazeneuve i hi intervenen Sílvia Cañellas i Jordi Bonet, autors del llibre.


🗣 Fa gairebé tres mesos que vam obrir l'aula de català a Salt, un espai on fem cursos de llengua catalana de manera gratuïta per als nouvinguts i nouvingudes que volen aprendre l'idioma.

Ens fa molta il·lusió que el projecte creixi. Ahir, vam col·locar aquests nous vinils! 👇🏻


📆 Aquest divendres 19 d'abril a les 19 h, us convidem a la presentació del nou llibre de la col·lecció Calaix "Entrem al taller. Els pintors de vidrieres i llanterners de Barcelona (segle XVIII)" a la Reial Acadèmia de Belles Arts de Sant Jordi (@racbasj).

