Participate in Catalan conversation groups
Catalan is currently facing a significant number of challenges. The language is experiencing a setback, and the current scenario shows that administrative use of Catalan is not enough. Ensuring the future of the language means using it everywhere: on the street, at school (and in the schoolyard), in hospitals, supermarkets, etc.
As part of our commitment to the Catalan language and culture, in 2024 we launched a new project to promote learning Catalan in Salt (Girona). We opened a social space for Catalan-speaking meetings where people wishing to learn the language meet weekly to practice speaking. The conversation groups are free for everyone and are supported by volunteers.
What does it involve?
The Catalan conversation groups are an initiative to promote the Catalan language. Through this project, people wishing to learn Catalan meet weekly with Catalan-speaking volunteers to practice the language. The aim of these meetings is to build confidence in participants and help them gain language proficiency through conversational and social interactions.
How does it work?
Meetings occur weekly and are organized by terms. Groups consist of up to twelve members to encourage participation, and they are led by a pair of volunteers, who receive training before the meetings begin. We follow the methodology proposed by CAL, based on repetition of phrases and words using visual material.
Who are the target participants?
Anyone living in areas with low Catalan usage who cannot speak the language, or those who have not had access to formal education for various reasons.
Are there different groups according to levels?
No. Groups are led by a pair of volunteers. If needed, the group can be subdivided, and speakers can be grouped according to their language proficiency.
You can find us at the Catalan classroom, located in Plaça Onze de Setembre in the municipality of Salt.