Antinc Gremi Revenedors de Barcelona Research Grant 2023

The 2023 winning project, titled The Gremi de Tenders i Revenedors de Barcelona and Its Role in Women’s Retail Activity, 15th-19th Centuries, by Mercè Renom. El treball té com a objectiu l’estudi del paper de les dones en el proveïment dels mercats de Barcelona i de la seva especial inscripció en el gremi de tenders i revenedors de la ciutat, un gremi que, com tots els de la Barcelona moderna, acceptava només homes en la seva estructura organitzativa, però que va saber trobar la manera de controlar tot el sector a partir de incorporar unes formes organitzatives secundàries on inscriure les dones i els revenedors ocasionals, no agremiats.

The study is of interest because it adds knowledge to the contributions made so far about the guild of shopkeepers and resellers of Barcelona and the economic activity of women in modern Barcelona. However, it is especially significant for highlighting the organizational uniqueness of the resellers’ guild, which accommodated women engaged in this activity, an organization different from the more general one in Barcelona. This aspect has been little attended to so far and deserves analysis.

2023 Winning Project

Publication of the Winning Project

The Gremi de Tenders i Revenedors de Barcelona and Its Role in Women’s Retail Activity, 15th-19th Centuries

Mercè renom

As established in the rules, the winning works of the Antic Gremi Revenedors Research Grant are published with Legal Deposit and ISBN. The editorial label Publicacions Revenedors was created with this goal in mind. The next publication from this label will be the result of this research.